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No Hormones or Steroids

We never administer any hormones or steroids to our animals.

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Our animals are raised without the use of genetically modified organisms.

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Our animals are raised in pastures, and are supplemented with GMO-free grains for added marbling.
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No Animal By-Products

You are supporting ethical meat consumption by purchasing your meat from Reimers Farm Market. No animal by-products are used in raising our meat.

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MSG is used as a flavor enhancer, but is known to cause health issues. We do not use MSG in our products.
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Gluten & Dairy Free

All our meat is gluten and dairy free.

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Sugar Free

There are no added sugars in our meat.
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Regeneratively Raised

Our cattle are systematically moved from one pasture to the next to ensure that the land is not overgrazed. We make sure there is always enough grass left over to give back to the earth, therefore, generating new growth.
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Humanely Raised

Making sure our animals are happy and comfortable is very important to us. We practice low stress handling of all livestock.
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No Growth Promotants

We do not administer any growth promotants. This keeps the animal from growing too rapidly. Healthy animals are fed wholesome grasses and grains to support slow, low stress growth.

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